One of the problems with watching as many TV shows as I do is that, after a while, they all start to disappoint you. It's a fact of life, too much of anything is never good for you. TV shows are no exception. Remember Prison Break season 1? How awesome was that? Remember Prison Break season 4? If you were lucky (or had an IQ north of 80) you never saw it. You hit the eject button somewhere between seasons 2 and 3. I don't have an eject button. Once I start a show, I get emotionally attached to one thing or another and its nearly impossible for me to stop. I'm like vintage Kobe in the fourth quarter. Do I care that I've shot 4-36 so far? Maybe a little. Am i going stop shooting? Fuck no. What am i supposed to do? Pass to Smush Parker?

Bad people doing bad things and achieving good outcomes. Whats not to like? (Couldn't afford a gif on this one.)

Changing of networks is never a good thing.

See above.
The point is, there comes a time when my commitment to certain tv shows comes back to bite me in the ass. The following is a list of them that I probably should stop watching, but probably never will.
15. NHL playoffs

Hockey is stupid.
14. Golden State Warriors w/o Steph Curry
If I'm staying up till 1:30 to watch a game, I better see someone do this.
14. Golden State Warriors w/o Steph Curry

13. House of Cards

Bad people doing bad things and achieving good outcomes. Whats not to like? (Couldn't afford a gif on this one.)
12. Mindy Project

Changing of networks is never a good thing.
11. Community

See above.
10. Vinyl

Never seen this show. My editor told me it belonged here.
9. Master of None

Absolutely no Indian person likes this show. Facts.
8. Brooklyn Nine Nine

I just don't like it anymore. I don't really know why.
7. Scorpion

Formulaic mission of the week show. Walter O'Brien should have died 10 times already. Probably going to stretch the will they wont they between him and Paige for another season. Fuck my life.
6. Arrow

One of my favorite shows ever has gone soft. Charmin ultra soft. Thank lawd Felicity didn't die.
5. The Goldbergs

It's the Jewish Full House. You're gonna catch some feels watching this show, but it's not worth the repetitive week-to-week story line anymore.
4. Baby Daddy

Instead of wondering why I watch this show, start thanking the heavens that you don't.
3. House of Lies

I have no idea what this show is about anymore.
2. Big Bang Theory

Literally you can watch the first and last episode of the last 4 seasons and you will be fully caught up on the plot and will have missed nothing.
1. Silicon Valley

Funny show. Acceptable plot. Unacceptable everything else. Richard Hendricks is the dumbest CEO probably ever. A 5-year-old would probably do a better job. Also this will they won't they between him and Monica is the most infuriating thing since Friday.
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