Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Here's a list of 12 reasons you should see this movie right now:

1. If you love boxing movies. 

Most boxing movies are, by design, very similar. The main character usually has a huge chip on his shoulder because of something that happened in his childhood and has severe anger issues. He then finds himself a Miyagi that helps him turn that anger into the ability to kick some ass. 

You can also expect 3 fights from your lead character. He loses the first. Wins the second, and wins the third (usually against the guy he lost to in the first fight). If you have seen 1 boxing movie, you've usually seen them all. But there are select few of us that actually don't give a flying fuck that we know 90% of the movie before we've seen it. Its still exhilarating and awesome. If you are one of those people, go see this movie.  

2. If you loved any Rocky movie besides Rocky 4. 

First off all, if you don't like Rocky 4 you should have yourself checked out by a doctor because there is something seriously wrong with you. Probably a fungal infection in the prefrontal cortex or something. 

This movie continues Rocky's story and if you've liked the ride so far, chances are, you will like where this movie takes you. 

3. Michael B. Jordan

He is the next great one. Get on the bandwagon now while there's still room. I would put every penny I own in his stock. 

4. Sly

Oscar nomination for best actor in a supporting role. Nuff said. Oh and he murders this fedora. 
If only he were my Fedora Twin

5. If you like the indie feel.

If you are one of these people, I usually don't like you. But I like this movie, and it has some indy elements. You get a hall pass this time. 

6. If you like sports. 

Pretty self explanatory.

(Editor's note: this list probably could have been 11 reasons long)

7. If you are a straight female or a gay male.

I mean, look at the guy on the right.

And let's face it, straight men are a little aroused too

8. If you watched Fresh Prince of Bel Air or liked Allen Iverson.


9. If you still like Meek Milly after Drake took him to the baja.

Going along with the Philly trend, the entire soundtrack is all Milly. And it's not bad. Don't quote me though, can't be caught liking Meek Mill in these streets.

10. If you find $10 on the street.

It's fun watching boxing movies in theaters. No lie.

11. If you don't find $10 on the street.

There's a high quality version of it at your neighborhood streaming site. If the feds are reading this: I do not endorse piracy in any way, shape or form.

12. If you have a pulse.

Why are  you still reading this? I've clearly just mailed it in since like reason #2 and I just said THERE'S A HIGH QUALITY VERSION OF IT at your neighborhood STREAMING SITE.

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