Tuesday, June 16, 2015

He May Be the Zach Lowe, But That Makes Me the Skip Bayless

Always great to start an entertainment blog with two on-the-fringes sports analogies, but I ain't perturbed.

Once again, for readers not as sportively-inclined, Skip Bayless sits on the polar opposite spectrum of Zach Lowe with his "analysis" on ESPN's First Take. His role on the show is to go purely with his gut, which usually features takes that are hotter than a meth lab trailer in the middle of a New Mexico desert.

Now unlike Bayless, I'm as stoic, reserved and analytical as they come. I'm not even that much a fan of his work, especially when it's chopped up and put in AutoTune. But when I sit back, grab several beers, and engage TV Zombie Mode, I start to sound a lot like him.

Despite my tendencies, I am also a contrarian by nature. No matter the subject, I relish in being the guy who brings an out-of-the-box idea to the table, especially when the thought currently in that box leaves me feeling like Detective Mills. Even when it's a point with which I completely agree, I might present a counterpoint anyway just to rustle some feathers and fuck around. And when the topic happens to be something on my watch list, that gets turned up to 11.
Sure, there may be times somewhere down the road that I want to actually see through a critical lens, times that I want to provide the cool rationality that we'd rather see from a politician (and naturally, rarely do). But much like Ankit, I am DEFINITELY not a critic. I'm a fan, just like anyone else who might (probably won't) read this.

Any opinion you see from me will be made from the heart, and any person who's rational about the shows, movies, and albums they consume will most likely think I'm out of my mind. But then again, I suppose that's the whole point. After all, Skip Bayless doesn't get killer ratings being calm and logical.

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